Air - Knowledge and Skills Domains
Knowledge of:
- Types, sources and acceptable thresholds of indoor air contaminants.
- Short- and long-term effects of indoor air quality on human health, well-being and productivity.
- Design, construction and operational processes that affect air quality through the lifecycle of buildings.
- Strategies for addressing and monitoring indoor air quality.
Skill in:
- Analyzing the air quality results from on-site monitoring and laboratory-based tests to inform decision-making.
- Recommending strategies to prohibit smoking, minimizing occupant exposure to secondhand smoke and reducing smoke pollution.
- Recommending strategies for mechanical and natural ventilation to dilute human- and product-generated air pollutants.
- Recommending strategies that limit sources of air pollution such as combustion, and isolating key sources of odors, germs, pollution or humidity.
- Recommending strategies to mitigate risks from indoor contamination and pollution sources.